La Fondazione

Pianoterra Foundation was established in Rome, in December 2013, to tackle poverty and social inequality by promoting projects that use culture (education, training, art, self-expression) as a tool of empowerment and development of individual potential of people who live in difficult and marginal contexts.

Deprivation leaves no room for imagination or planning, only for what is imminent, fueling a vicious circle that leads to immobility and resignation. Pianoterra Foundation wants to break this vicious circle and trigger a virtuous spiral that nourishes resilience and creativity. Culture, music, literature and all forms of art act in the individual as multipliers of energies and constructive forces that can improve the surrounding reality.

The idea of establishing Pianoterra Foundation came from the experience of Pianoterra Association – from which it takes its name as a sign of continuity – and from the desire to broaden its field of action. The projects implemented and supported by Pianoterra Foundation focus not only on mothers and children in difficulty, but also on adolescents, young people, adults and other associations and realities in Italy and abroad (schools, social services, hospitals, prisons) with which the Foundation creates networks and synergies through the implementation and/or support of specific interventions.

Our mission

In difficult and marginal contexts we promote culture as a tool of empowerment and development of both individuals’ and communities’ potentialities.



Alessia Bulgari

Executive board

Alessia Bulgari
Ciro Nesci
Flaminia Trapani
Annalisa Bellettati
Gioia Levi

Accounts auditor

Adriano Contini